The worlds largest music community comes with exclusive benefits!

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from only $3 per month, cancel anytime.

The rewards club for music enthusiasts.


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Becoming a YFM Plus member means unlocking exclusive discounts on music gear, instruments, and services from our partner stores. With deals that are only available to members, you have the potential to save thousands of dollars every year on the music products you love.

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As a member, you get automatic entry into the draw to win
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Unlock the ultimate opportunity to transform your music experience with our grand giveaway events! Each ticket is your golden entry to win incredible prizes like signature guitars, drum kits, and top-tier studio equipment.​

Drum Kits
Signature Instruments
Studio Equipment
Premium Guitars

Ticket entries that never stop


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click on a plan below to see how many tickets you can earn as a member

Join YFM Plus
and become VIP instantly!

Here's how it works:

Step 01
Step 02
Step 03
Sign Up

Select one of our membership passes and log in to your account.

Discount Database

Browse through the exclusive discounts with our partners.

Apply Discount and Save!

Use the discount code in store or online to pay mates rates.

Become VIP today
Start earning rewards and save on your next purchase.